Sunday, November 11, 2007


Work. got some funny ting happened when at working place.. got one uncle that look around 40 plus yrs old come to my counter and try to sien me. well my supervisor come and saved me up. haha.. uncle: hi sweet gal.. u really sweet. can i have ur contact number? me: no. uncle: why? i jux found u are really sweet and pretty, jux wanna be a frend with u. can lar,come type for me. (show me his hp) me: no. uncle: im buy a camera now. u got thinking of to own one for urself? if u give me ur contact number now,i buy one for u. me:(i stunned there) NO THANKS. (im start get mad,haha..) my supervisor came to my counter to borrow something with me. then that uncle started talking with him. unclë: hey guy i asked ur colleague give me her contact number but she dont wan give me. how?supervisor: oh?! how come?! why u dont want give him gal?! give him police number lar!! (i think my supervisor also not song with him,haha.. said very loud. lol..) uncle: wow.. police are my frends,no point wat. haha.. supervisor: police is our frends! that uncle stunned there and cant continue to say anything with my supervisor. then my supervisor left. uncle: why ur colleague so angry? i just wanna be frend with u. i don bother him then he start felt sian and left. den turn back told me. "i like ur type,sooo sweet.. bye.." -_- Haha.. sentosa going to sentosa today with my girlish. i asked her wear beach wear but she didnt. wear long sleeve wear come here and meet me. wahaha.. bring her and her frend Richard go walk walk at sentosa. so long never meet her up,so we got alot topic to chat. chat about her boy frend.. my life.. what i going to do with my life?


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