Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm back..

Just now i went to custom.. i'm called my parent and chat very long with my mother.. i miss them so much.. really hope that i can fly back their side right now.. think alot when i'm reached there.. should i go back? because when i came to singapore before i didnt bring anything come here.. only a few clothes.. so if i want go back.. i also can straight back like that.. but when i'm queue at custom.. you suddenly messege me.. (please come back,messege me when you come back..) that time i'm think.. okay i'm come back next year.. i will messege you next year.. haha..
But in the end.. i'm still come back.. because of you.. i'm back. bOp ™ was right,i'm a girl that giving out my love at all cost.. i wont regret when i do any decision.. althought ending will be not perfect that i hope now. but i know i got try my best le.. that's a lesson for me to learnt.. If ending is nice like me think now.. that's will be great..


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