Saturday, November 17, 2007


humph.. i'm feel confuse now.. you keep telling me you want me. but what thing u do for it? nothing.. i feel very bad when you want meet me up but i cant make it sometime. i know u feel bad also.. but what to do? both of us dont dare to try. dont dare to try a new life.. althought we really love each other.. but donno what we dragging here? lol.. we both same very emo. same experiences and same hurted before. but whose never hurt before..? i'm a example.. tried and tried so many time, hurt and hurt too much time.. but i still waiting for it.. too many experiences make us very emo like now.. lol.. but maybe we got same thing want to try,that's u try to make me smile and i try to heal u with my smile.. donno,when i saw you smile,i also feel very happy.. =) you told me,i'm the only person that when i smile you also follow me smile together. lol..
my parent and my friends always said me is a very emo girl. lol.. yea.. what to do..? who hurt me before,now all regreted and asked me go back with them. No. i wont go back with you. lol.. funny.. never cherish me before,make me become crazy and keep crying before,now? asked me go back with you? and told me you are regreted? give you one more chance? you dreaming.. almost one year already,i still hate you. cant forget everything you had done on my heart. together with you 4 years! you got cherish me? my time all spend for you! from what age i staying by your side? and i ran away from you then come singapore? why i dont wan go back? because i dont want to see you again. just dont want.


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