Sunday, November 18, 2007


ya today i'm going train volleyball. untill my hand o chei! used i very scare voleyball when it drop infront me then i will run away 1st. lol... but now i just play just try it,dont care it will hit me or not. =x ya i train untill very tired. but feel happy.. because my frend said i very hardworking in it. =p when i play they keep shout,'good ball!!!' haha.. nvm.. no more pain.. my hand injuired is not a problem for me le.. =)
tired also.. my heart tired.. LOL.. i'm still feel myself very stupid.. when i back from beach.. i trying to messenge u.. then he saw it,he shout me infront our friends... and i cried infront our friends too.. what to do..? i go toilet and messenge to you.. i'm felt hurt and upset.. why? why we cannot really together? why we need to hurt each other? i love you.. will you love me back?i dont know.. ..


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