Tuesday, December 4, 2007

cant sleep..

I cant sleep again.. ='( wah really sian lar.. keep woke up in dream then went open my room window,look at outside.. at night,still so bright.. My brain blank,dont know what i m doing. lol.. Thinking alot things again.. I like to thinking alot.. lol.. That's me. Look at your picture you upload to your blogs last night.. Omg you really changed alot! you look so lost.. I'm feel very heart pain but cant do anything also..
I'm still confused. Why? Why you never ask me back when i told you that i want to leave you? your answer is you scare to know the answer if i really want to leave you.. what a good answer..
You always told me that,I mean alot to you,this relationship mean alot to you. If i really mean alot to you,you will never let me walk away from you.. If this relationship really mean alot to you,you will try your best to save this relationship.. but you didnt.. you didnt do all these..
I dont know what should i do now.. I'm lost again and again.. I dont know was because of i done a wrong thing before so now god dont let me have a good life.. lol.. good life is catch ourselve de.. Happy or sad we cant control? hmmmph..
This Saturday is Tingting's birthday. Hmm what present should i give you lei tingg.. Haa.. I will accompany you whole night!! Haha..


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