Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Humph.. Its raining for morning untill now.. =x I was woke up very early this morning.. I saw its raining! haas.. then went to disturb my friends,Hahaha.. Lets sleeping! Oh God you school hor.. Oh god you still working hor.. Ahaha.. Yes! Me me me.. Do nothing! Sleeping untill now just woke up. Omg still raining..
. Hurr... cannot going out buy food lar... hungry hungry.. :'( Hurr......
Its raining very heavily now... humph.. he later going shopping buying present for a girl,but he never ask me going together. Haas.. that's funny.. It's ok.
Everytime when i asking him about that girl,he will become very weird. I know that girl also.. but is so supprise that because he never think bring me go celebrate Birthday for that girl. He very stick at me,all friends know that. Where he going he confirm want me going with him,except this girl's birthday party.. Last few month i'm caught him went out shopping with that girl and two of them only. Both of them went to shopping,eating,walk walk.. I saw those in his handphone pictures,he very close with the girl,stick together and took pictures.
After that,that girl was went to Australia for studying. He very upset.. Everytime email for that girl,i saw those email! All he flirt with that girl.. oh my God.. Now then i know.. why his ex girl friend keep came and asked me becareful with him because he is so flirt..
Just now i tried to ask him,where he go to buy the girl's present,because i also want shop for my friend's birthday's present also.. He gave me one excuse,he is busy now cannot talk with me.. This is 1st time.. The girl was back from Australia last night i think.. oh ya that's why yesterday he was sooo weird,he said he felt me no longer love him already,said i using him! I am supprised when he said me like that! He never like that.. never. When i asked him,why i need to using you? what i using you for? Just tell me. He cant answer me.. He stunned awhile then said" no lar i just got that feeling only.." haas.. Why will you got that feeling?! He stunned again! Cant answer me! Haha.. Its ok.. I'm not that weak..
Maybe that girl come back le.. he want go with her ba.. i dont know.. i also dont want to know.. I'm tired already.. Haas.. "Xiao Bu Dian,guai guai ah.." this was he send for her one msg.. Haha.. Its funny.. very funny.....


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