Monday, November 19, 2007


you said goodbye with me.. with msn.. lol.. now i feel new goodbye that i havent try before.. yet i told myself i no more tears.. but my tears suddenly drop from my eyes just now.. i laugh at myself.. why i laugh..? i dont know!! do you know.. last night what i wrote.. was last year one story.. ya.. he treat me good. but you donno,after i meet you,i feel i'm still can love somone.. because i'm just feel myself i'm no more love in my heart. but i'm fall in love with you.
last two month.. he was beat me and hurt me infont of crowd. got 2 guys and one gal saved me.. ya they saved me.. my hand and my body all hurt. my heart also.. from that time.. i'm really afraid with him untill now. i'm alone here.. ya i'm alone here.. i thougth of run away from him! but you know? because of you i still stay at here! why? i dont know.. i just feel that i want together with you. but now.. something small ting happened.. i'm said sorry with you.. you cant receive.. then just like that.. said goodbye with me.. i long time never drop any tears.. you dont know.. because of you.. i'm cried and cried.. because of you.. i tried to leaving him.. but if like that i dont know where should i go.. i dont know you will still read my blog or not.. if you are still same decision like now.. i wont say goodbye to you.. i will go far far away that no people can find me anymore.. i think you know that palce.. because you tried to going that place before too.. lol.. you mean too alot to me... now you said goobye with me.. ... . . .....


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