Monday, November 19, 2007

hmmph.. 19november07. 06.39pm

i just feel that,why i need continue dragging with him? he is very gang zhong now. ya.. lol.. he very afraid that i will leaving him now.. maybe he know something but just dont want say out. but i dont know.. i got no job now.. and my salary was less than him when i'm got working.. but very weird one is.. i'm always gave him money to use! suddenly i dont understand why like that? because everytime was me paid when we go for eating or buy something else. all i paid. ya i'm suddenly think of this things just now. dont know why also.. these day he also very stick me. i think was because of i always tried to contact you. then he start worried.
hmmph.. i'm very tired.. everyday doesnt sleep well.. wow a girl like this really useles la. so ugly if no sleep well. =x
(Muacks you stay happy for me...) this is you send for me one messenge.. =p sorry wor i'm post here. lol.. i will stay happy for you.. only for you.. =) your friendster is still same. really was your friends play your pc? lol.. anyway i dont want think so much le.. tired.. really or not.. i dont want too care already.. let all thing run with nature ba.. not mine then wont become mine.. if really is mine it will come itself.. =) okie.. i gotta to go. hungry.. no eating yet.. my weight drop already.. lol.. my hand fine already.. still a bit pain but no worse like yesterday le.. =)


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