Friday, November 23, 2007

touching story..

有位男孩很爱女孩,把她当宝一样的捧在手里。 There is a boy who loves a girl very much, always treat her like a precious gem. 下雨时,男孩总是把伞尽量撑在女孩身上,而自己身上都湿了, 却笑的很甜,女孩很感动,也喜欢男孩这样的宠着她。 On rainy days, boy always shield the girl with the umbrella and he gets drenched himself, but yet he stills smiles very sweetly, girl is very touched and likes the way boy treats her. 那天,他们一起去散步回来,路过一个工地,突然一块碎石从上面掉了下来。 One day, after a stroll, they bypass a construction site, suddenly down came a stone. 男孩赶紧用身体抱住女孩,可突然间,男孩将女孩的身体背转过来,自己倒在了地上。 Boy quickly uses his body to hug girl, but suddenly, boy turns girl around and fell on the ground himself. 女孩重重的摔在他身上,而石块正好砸在女孩的额头,血慢慢地流了出来。 Girl falls heavily on boy, and stone hits girl’s forehead, blood came flowing down. 女孩哭着跑了回家,她真的很失望… Girl ran home crying, very disappointed… 男孩打了她好多次电话,她没接就把手机关了,把自己关在房间里痛哭。 Boy calls girl several times, but girl didn’t pick up and off the hp, locked herself in the room. 直到被敲门声惊醒,她妈妈告诉她,男孩被一根铁丁刺穿了肺部,失血过多离开了人世… Until she was alerted by the knocks on the door, her mum told her, boy was hit by a nail in the lungs, due to loss of blood, had left this world. 她疯了一样地跑去医院,男孩躺在白色的病床上。 Girl ran like crazy to the hospital, boy was lying on the white bed. 手里紧紧地握着手机,上面写的这样一条信息: In boy’s hand, held his hp with a message: ”亲爱的,当我看到地上的铁丁时,我已经没有办法为你挡住石头了。亲爱的,痛吗?” “Darling, when I saw the nail on the floor, I knew I was not able to protect you from the stone anymore. Darling, does it hurt?” 女孩抱着男孩的尸体痛哭着… Girl hugged the boy’s body and cry… Morale: 好好珍惜你爱的人,不要等失去后才来珍惜… Please treasure your beloved ones, do not wait till you lose it then cherish… isn't it touching? =)


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