Friday, December 21, 2007

Cold cold..

I'm sleep for whole day today. I felt very cold..... =s I dont know lar,i went to told my friends very cold,they all ask me,"you sure you in singapore? now sun very big outside." or,:" Cherrie,you sick le is it? Why felt so cold?" LOL... Omg..
I cant stay awake,keep feel very sleepy.. Around 4pm i'm felt hungry then went out bought food to eat. After i finished.. Chated awhile with friends,i start sleepy again.. ==' Then sleep untill now then woke up. WTH..
I hide inside my blanket lorr.. My fan also never on. ==' humphh... super sian today. Sometime really hope that i can return to that time i got someone guy that i love him,and because him i'm busy tried to make suprise or busy run here run there only just because of want to see him awhile. I taken bus for hour to meet him,but we just can together around 15minute because he need to go back for work. I never blame him,never sad... but very sweet...
If can do something for someone you love,althought very tired also still will feel very happy and sweet.. LOL. I want this feeling back. Really hope that........ =p ♥


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