Friday, December 21, 2007

Raining day..

Haha.. Damn funny lar today. I'm not easy to woke up sOoOoo DAMN early to going beach lor. I prepared my stuff,went to shower,eat breakfast.. 9.30am,When i want going out. ................. Raining..........and....very heavily............. . . . . .. . I damn sianZzzzzzzzz..... WTF! =='
okayyyy.... i called my beach friends.. They all told me,raining very heavily now. When stop raining le call me then i just going out. ==' Heh... i don wan le lor.........
. I went back to continue sleep....... dont care what had happened putside le. Somemore raining very heavily!! Good to sleep lor... lol.. sooooo..... I sleep untill 2.30pm!!! Hahaa... =p.
When i woke up,chat chat with friends with msn. Got one guy dunno who is that?? add me at msn,then still ask me is it i got webcam and want to see me. Siao! I straight deleted and blocked him. Crazy... .
I went to beach at around 4pm. Still got small small rain... very cold,sand all wet wet.... very hungry,so went to 7eleven with Yulan bought alot mee goreng and drink. LOL..
I played in court again.. Its was so fun. Althought i not really know how to play,but my friends keep support me and teach me with very patient. I so happy. =DDD .
Around 7pm,we went off. I plan them to go dinner at KFC together,but most of them dont want eat fast food. Ok i plan again,we go japanese's restauren. They all said ok! ==' .
Girls all take with ABC's car went to Hourfront centre. We went to book seat 1st before they reach. Got 8 person.. But..... Suddenly they called me,said change place. They want eat KFC!! ==' Kaozz... .
But very fun today. =DDD I laugh all the way with them. Haha.. Damn funny. Because i keep talking lame. They all just gave me those sian face then suddenly all laugh like siao!! Hahaha... =='
Chat with Ivan,Yiqin and Huston in msn togrther,we all talk our past when we working at Livepowerhub before. Yea all my colleague before. They all very cute,16 years old. Haha...
But i'm unhappy with one thing. from my mother born me untill now,i LOVE freedom! I dont like peoples control me what i think and what i want to do. If that is bad things nevermind. But just only wanna going supper with my friend..... or Something we need to talk clearly. I hope that we can maintain as friend,but not a friend that can control me to do anything.. sorry i know you are worried for me. But,i'm that kind girl. My parent also never control me. They know i dont like. So they respect all things that i decided. So that's why also i will came to singapore without any bar. so... sorry friend,hope you will understand me. Please.. dont like that again... i dont want lose you this good friend. okayyy........................................


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