Friday, December 14, 2007


See.. this was last year i done it for Mr.Sleepy de. NICE?
I'm cannot sleep last night and also very down.. So i think when i went to sleep was already 5 or 6 am le.. Haha.. siao liao.. Because i'm promised Robin that meet him up at 1pm. Haiz.. but i damn tired larr~~~
12.30pm. Robin called me. I'm still dreaming... Yerr~~~ I want sleep larr..... hurr... He kept scold and nian nian nian at me. Haha.. Hey promised le 1pm meet up lor! Still sleeping?! Haas.. Hey.. you dont know what happened with me lorr.. =x
Okayy.. I woke up.. Prepared all things and went meet Robin up. Sms Tingting and Esther told them today western VERY GOOD. LOL.. Then? Robin came and fetch me at Bishan taxi stand. RAINING!!! -.- HEY~~ I want go sentosa lei!! When i just get in Robin's car.. Woww..... Raining VERY heavily...
Okay.. Sentosa cancelled. -.- Robin driving me went his home for lunch.. Waiting for stop raining.. But,i am still sleepy~~~ LOL.. Stood at his home whole evening. Listen to Robin told me about his ex girl friend. lol.. His pictures from small untill now.. Hey hey.. really changed alot yar.. From ahBeng look untill now smart look. Not bad.. Haha..
5pm. We went to Juntion 8 to bought Mr.Sleepy's birthday's present. I bought a wallet for him since his wallet was stollen by people before. But last year i more sweet,i am make a key chain for him. Haha.. now? lazzyyy le... =p
Chatting with Ive now. Two siao char bo. Keep laughing.. LOL.. -.- Talking with her and blogging also.. heh..


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