Monday, December 10, 2007

Raining day..

Hurr... Raining day again... i don't like raining,because cannot going out enjoy with my dearest sun,i like sun shine,haha.. I already recover back le. No more fever and troat sore,but.. still flu. haiz.. I don't like flu larrr.. because very hard to breathe. And and and!! Keep RAINING! SiannZzz.. I starting miss my friends.. my girlish. Haha.. really miss all the time we enjoy together..
Heh.. Really raining for whole day. Do nothing at home.. Chatting with Robin with msn,but too bad my english too poor,cannot understand what he had type to me. Wahaha.. After that he give up. Then called me chat with me,hahaha... Hey hey my buddy,sleep for whole day already,when i talking half with him,he was felt asleep!! Omg.. i so boring mei... -_-'" We talk rubbish for a few hours.. Haha.. Really all rubbish things. LOL.. Because all the time he keep singging,play his guitar.. -.- DotZzzz...
But i still want thanks him,because always being my side when i feel down. Yeah!! Robin! My Ben Dan friend! wahaha.. =p Yea you dont go HongKong,stay at here accompany me go shopping,go walk walk beside beach,go see GIRLS,ahaha.. =p


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