Thursday, December 6, 2007

Early early morning..

Around 11am,we went to plaza singapore to played MAPLE STORY!! Wahaha..
Yeah!! Pokemon!! SOoooo CutE!!! =D
Me! zilian again.. wahaha..=p
After lunch,we went to wacthed movie. Yeah!! haha.. dark dark.. =p
Come act cute with me! Haas..
After movie and shopping,we went to Newton for our dinner! My seafood seafood!!! kangkong.. fried rice.. Fish fish fish.. donno what fish is that,fish lor. ahaha..8.30pm.. waiting for mrt.. On our way home.. =)
Haha.. today went out with Mr.sleepy.. Humph.. doesnt sleep well also today,last night talk cock with bOp ™ untill around 3am i think. Haha.. After finished chatted,i'm started wrote my blogs.. in chinese! haha.. Actually i'm poor in english and i'm hard to write out my feeling or what happen with me in english. So i asked Zhenyu how to write in chinese? He teached me to download one link,then now i can type in chinese and can write out what actually i want to say out to my friends.. Thank you zhenyu.. =)
My friends.. when i write in chinese if got something cant understanding can ask me.. Haha.. I'm try very hard to my english now. I will make sure my english will better than now.. =D bOp ™ always got teached me when i'm wrote wrongly.. I will learn it! thanks yaar.. =p


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