Saturday, December 8, 2007

tingting's birthday!!!

Ica kacang! Got ppl ate le then felt cold cold! wahaha..
take picture 123! Haas.. Blegh.. yoz! Nice picture! =D Perfect and.. hmmph.. hahas..
Me&Robin! Yeah! Blegh! got people stunded when saw this picture! wahaha.. 'what you doing beside me?!' Ahaha.. Yeah! Restauren! Tou pai! haha.. Co0l bo? haha..
Dumb dumb guy and me1 2 3 4 5
Omg! Tingting go hug mable! yeah!! Handsome & babe singging.. =p see.. what Perry doing?? omg that card can stick on his face!!! =s Eee yer.. haha.. See where our blur queen looking at..? haas.. Yummy yummy..
Happy Birthday To Tingting!!! L0ve You!!
Haha.. today i really funny! I still can upload these pictures when i'm drank! Hahaha.. =p Omg.. This morning i really sleep untill very sweet... hmmmph.. Zzzz.. because of raining.. so good to sleep.. okay,my handphone rang,was Mr.sleepy called me,hor.. i dont care,told him i want sleep i want sleep dont disturb me,he kept'oie! wei! hey!' omg really buay tahan! =x haas.. dont want answer him then he hang up.
Next! ROBIN!! Yea he power lar! Called and woke me up! I keep told him i want sleep he just ignored me! Keep talking rubbish with me untiil i'm wake up! Wah.. sooo happy huh you! =x Bully me.. =.= Then i woke up went prepared to meet him up,wah when i just stepped out from my home.....RAINING! And very heavily!! =.= Lucky me..
We went to vivo city walk walk,was rainning.. haiz.. raining.. i still accompany my dumb dumb friend standed under rain and looking at ship and beach.. or! He see girls! wahaha.. =p
Today is Tingting's birthday! I so happy. Haas.. I think so lond also dunno should buy what present for her.. Finally i choose a dress for her! =) Then i jio him go join us together for tonight ktv,tingting's birthday celebration.
That was really fun tonight! =D omg tonight alot friends drank! haha.. include me. =pPp I'm very high whole night,dirnk alot untill now i nearly lost my sound. haa.. All they singging,play card,dancing,laugh... haah.. Tonight what a suprise was Esther never drunk! Wahh.. haha.. Jia you Esther! =D Omg i am drank and all pictures was ugly and my STUPID hair!!! =( sad lar.. =x haiz.. When i'm drank i suddenly felt sad because suddenly think of that steel blood guy.. nearly cry.. Then was Robin kept knock my head then i just feel more much better. Wahaha..
I'm drank i'm drank! so long never drunk le! haha.. felt very very happy and high tonight. Abit crazy. haha.. I hope that all my friends are enjoy with it too..


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