Saturday, December 22, 2007


Our Beach gang~~ Court~~
I talk cock with them~~ He is cute WeiWei~~
Dnner Time~~ Kaozz~~ What was they doing???
Yeah~~ Today really enjoy!! =DDD Today is Saturday. So i got i think 30plus beach friends going beach! Wow... That was fun lor! I reached beach around 1.30pm,this was earlier than before le. Hahaha... =p
When i reavhed,i saw Mr.Sleepy was playing ball with girls,all girls. ==' Then i went to said Hi with him,Then he intro his friends to me,the girls,especialy Alicia just looking at my face. lol.. I dont know she stunned there for what. LOL..
When reached there,we play at siloso beach. But suddenly they need close the siloso beach. So we all moved to Palahwan beach.
They all playing ball,i seat at mat and talk cock with friends. I expert talk rubbish things. wahaha.. make them all "sweat.." =pPp I now got improved my volleyball le. My friends said i improve very fast. Yeah.. happy happy.. i can just very easy to transfer my ball to my partner le... =DDD
We went off around 6 or 7pm. After showering i asked my friends if want join our group to going for dinner. Got 16 person join us,then i ask them wanna eat japanese food or KFC. Wahahaha... same.. ==' But now all wanna eat japanese food,AhGu and Rebecca want eat Pasta Mania,so we guys 12 person went to Ramen Thien.
After finished our dinner,they all went home le,then we Mr.Sleepy, Yulan, ABC, Mattew and me went to playing pool at vivo city.
Finished our pool we went out vivo city and taken alot alot of pictures with Mattew's camera. I will upload those photos when he send me. All funny and VERy funny photos!! Hahaha...
I am 1st time saw mattew laugh very happy tonight. I know him very long time already,his pattern is very serious person,what you had said funny things,he only will gave that stone face and smile with us like very force himself. LOL.. But now he smile and laugh from his heart.
Especialy when he help me take photo,then i take a look that photo with him,he said,"Hey.. so cute~~" I said,"Ermm.. I feel that my face like "man tou"(in english is bun) very round. " Wahaha.. He really laugh untill siao!! LOL.. Omg. We really laugh all the way. Untill now my throat sore le. ==' Haha...
We went off around 12am with ABC's car. Before i drop at my house,i turn back disturb Mattew,"Hey~~~ Man tou~~ " He laugh like siao again!! Wahaha.. He shout,"Ehhhh... Stop it!!" Ahahaha... funny sia. =pPp
I reached home around 1.45am le.. Then i washed and hang my clothes. So i sleep at around 3.30am. Tomorrow gotta meet them at 11am at AMK . aww.......


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