Sunday, December 30, 2007


WeiLun's Daughter
I'm went sentosa again today.
Reached there at 11 am. Meet up Mr.sleepy,Ahgu,Rebecca at vivo..
Heard that weilun wanna bring his little princess coming also. Lol.. I played and take care with his daughter for whole day. Haha.. Maybe i expert in play with small baby. LOL.. She like me. when 1st time know Weilun,he asked my contact number from me,i gave him,beach friend ma.. nothing much.
But then he told me that i'm cute. I said thanks. I feel that he got feeling with me. I also dont bother him so much.
After we went off,went dinner together. He saw me very close with Mr.sleepy,then he just gave up,he go with Yulan. LOL.. I dont know what he rush at. But i know that he just want find one mummy for his daughter. He was shoert gun before,that's why he married earlier. But now both of them wanna break up. Still fight with this case. Both of them want daughter.
I also dont want ask too much about them. I just bought a toy for his daughter at beach,played sand with her. She is clever.. very cute! I kiss her small cute face. I suddenly very very miss mine.. ya mine.. ... its gone..
Can i regret? Cannot..................
Around 6pm,we went off. Was rainning very very heavily. We went off earlier was because of wanna meet David up. He was back from Australia. Miss him very much..
I with Mr.sleepy went to Bugis meet him. After that meet up James,Jiarong,Roger & his girlfriend Yvonne at a bar..
Mr.sleepy ordered one drink for me,named Long Island Tea. Wow.. its very thick!! i drink one time only already feel very hot! ==' Wth.. David they all still laugh there.
Abit drank.. Accompany David because he back Australia for studying soon... Half year again he just come back.. My beach friend.. Before that only went with David,Roger and Mr.sleepy. Now,We like got one beach gang. Got around 30 plus beach friends now.. lol..
We went off around 12plus.. I abit drank,reached home straight sleep le... lol..

Friday, December 28, 2007

Maple story

Maple story
Haha.. okay.. since i download maple story this game that day. Untill now i keep playing it.. Yesterday morning bought a doggy for it. very damn cute! =DDD
$9.50 one doggy,it need food. milks.. Around $8 bought something let it pick mesos,pick item.. LOL...
Waste money? Haha.. Nah.. i like that cute dog.. up level very fast. =D Very cute,can train it,talk with it. I call it Baby. it no responed. I call it baddog,it will angry. Haha..
Peoples there always unhappy because my doggy always take their stuff. Haha.. Asked me keep my doggy. Of cos no. i like it following me run everyway. Haha..
I went to checkpoint around 4pm. 20 minutes time i back.. lol.. I went to bought some apples,bought rice,kfc for me with his dinner..
I'm just found i'm fat already. These day.. nah is this month,keep eating all "good food" So i think now my weight also got add ba.. =x
I playing game for whole day,play awhile rest awhile,rest mean sleeping.. Zzzz.. LOL.. Untill midnight also like that,around 4am i buay tahan le. I went and sleep. LOL.. Later going beach..
I think my beach friends all crazy with volleyball and beach. Friday,Ahgu said want stay overnight at beach,i anything. But those working beach girls and guys all tired le. They dont want going. lol..
So they said meet 10am at vivo city later. Wow.. very early. Nevermind la.. i can go earlier nevermind de. LOL.. Because can sleep at beach ma.. So damn peace. =pPp
Got to go.. Good Morning my friends~~ =DDD
Have a Nice Day!!

Late night..

Late night..
Is 04.18am now.. what m i doing? LOL.. I'm played malpe story just now.. washed my clothes. Waiting for hang my clothes..
Late night.. Is quiet...
I going for holiday to Bintan soon.. 5days. 5days i wont be here.. they going for four days only. so i with him will stay at there for the last day. Just two of us. LOL..
I dont know is JinRong purposely plan this or not. That kuku..
next month i will be start find new job. I need recover back my life,because always sleep very late.
become owl le.. LOL..
Gotta going Johor tomorrow.. Need to extend my days here..
After that go JingRong's house. Meet them.. Mr.sleepy..
Start feel sleepy..
Good night everyone..
Love you all..

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Didnt sleep..

Cant sleep again..
I cant sleep again.. I watced movie (SE JIE) untill this morning 9.30am. When i finished the show,i felt asleep..
Woke up by Robin called.. Around 3plus pm i think.. LOL.. I went to prepared,washed up myself.. and went to his home.
Played with his doggy.. Install maplestory game.. Eating dinner together.. So now playing game.. lol.
Planning of going holiday to Bintan,gave my passport no to JinRong. 31Dec07 to 4Jan08.. Yeah.. cant wait for it.. Yippy~~ =DDD

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Afraid of...

Afraid of...
Today i'm do nothing at home. I woke up on 11am plus.. Really very early le.. LOL.. I cook mee maggie for my lunch. I think of wait for him tonight to have dinner together. So when my friend ask me going dinner with him,i rejected.
I watch movies and search you ku. he was busy at work,so i didnt disturb him like call him or messegge him.. Untill 6pm,his knock off time.. I wait his call.. But he never call me,so i messege him told him i start feel sleepy le. But he replied me that he thought me still sleeping so he no call me.
Then he said he want going out with his friend,and said he know me wont mind. lol.. Then i said i never sleep,i waiting for him for whole day. He said please,give him some free time to meet his friend.
I never.. never block him for meeting his friends. But.. He can tell me earlier,tell me that he will not come meet me up,then i no need wait him like a fool for whole day..
I suddenly very scare,really scare... i scare he will like that bastard... I suddenly very afraid. I cried. I dont know why i so scare.. very scare... I afraid alone,like inside a dark hole.. alone.. very queit.. nobody talk with me.. nobody care me..
At night. He called me.. I didnt chat with him.. i feel very cold.. He said i'm angry with him.. no.. i 'm not angry.. I only afraid of........
Cant sleep again...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

3 funny pictures taken by 3 friends

1st camera by Yulan.. Second camera by Alan.. 3rd camera by ABC..

I found that my friends was very funny... when i just lie on Mr.sleepy's hand they all take picture for us in same time. Wow.. i also didnt know that but after that they all show me those pictures. wow... Funny lor... =DDD I really love my friends alot..!! =)))


Third camera

Chritsmas day and sentosa~~

guys team
Haha.. my foot! lie on mat and see them play volleyball. Zzzz.. Girls team Hang out at Pasta Mania~~
Yulan & Amilia AhGu & Rebecca Girls~~
One side
Two diiferent camera take different side~ Guys~~
I woke up at 9.30am~~ Yea, Wanna hang out at sentosa again. Haha.. We meet up ahGu , Rebecca , Amilia and Tehao at Food Republic at Vivo city. Wow.. alot peoples lor!! Very Very long queue !!
Then i told them i wanna make islander card,so i went to counter check whether i can make membership card or not without work permit,then the counter girl said can,Aww~~ So happy.
We went to food republic tabao,wow.. Rice Curry $6.30 and Amilia $5.80 per packet,we all stunned. ==' kaozzz... so expensive !!
We went in beach.. set up court. I bring 2 mat and Amilia bring one strawberry mat. Haha.. we seat on mat eating,got small raining.. boo ho.. fun. Haha..
I went 7eleven with Mr.sleepy bought 3 big botol drink,suddenly raining very heavily. Wow... I went play under rain. Wahaha..
But rain awhile only stop le,sun came out and very hot! I lie on mat and cover my face started sun tan,Hahaha... They all said me seaweed dry le.. =='
Around 7pm,we went off and went to hobourfront to have dinner at Pasta Mania. When we all there,Amilia and Mr.sleepy still didnt come yet,all friends asking me,so i went out to find both of themi saw them in one toon shop. Mr.sleepy dont know doind what inside there. I walk in think of call him to have dinner together with us,but then Amilia very gangzhong bring me out from that shop. ==' i asked her what he doing? Amilia said nothing nothing,lets go for dinner.
weird lar.. After around 10min Mr.sleepy came in le,but his hand got more thing,very big plastic bag. I'm suprised,he gave me that plastic bag,was a very cute cartoon ballon chair! OMG.. and my hello kitty keychain that i lose it before,i really very touched.. All friends said," wow... very sweet... " I kiss him infront my friends.... =)))

Monday, December 24, 2007


Today i sleep untill around 12pm. Very Happy.. Because tonight i hang out with my friends again~ These day keep busy went out with friends. I no more missing him,no more sad because him. Because no time to miss him le. Haha... I know i can do it. =DDD Because i know my friends all LOVE ME !!! =p
I msn with Yulan,waiting for her to knock off from working. =D Because we wanna meet up for dinner together cand buy present to exchange with friends tonight !! Yeah.. Chritsmas day coming,also is me and Mr.Sleepy one year annivesary coming. I feel touch and happy....
I meet up Yulan 3.30pm at Causeway Point. We went shop shop for present for tonight. I bought a cute key chain,is a man that carry knife,mean protect healthy. Yulan bought shower Gel from Body Shop.
After that we went to NTUC to buy some vegetables and food to cook at Yulan's home. Yeah... cooking cooking!! Haha..
Around 6pm we reached Yulan's home,saw her grandma. 80 plus years old le. She very friendly. We started cooked. I think of want cook de,but end off Yulan want me seat there see her cooking. Haha.. She cook one bowl of chicken shoup,bake sausage,vegetables and porridge. =DD
Very nice.. After eating i went to her room to watched TV. Wow.. Her air con very cold. ==' She start find clothes for tonight le. Haha. dress! I asked her wear dress,because i also wearing dress. =p
We all meet up at Causeway point for latenight movie. Amilia, Ahgu, Rebecca, Yulan, Tehao and me. at 9.30 pm we meet up to chatting 1st and walk walk. I with Yulan make up,they guys never see us make up before,because we going beach also no make up one. Haha..
We hang out at StarBuck. Amilia gave us one person one present,all DIY name on clips. Really very unic.
Movie start at 11.25pm. ( I am legend ) Very scary and nice movie!! =ss
After movie we find a seat and start exchanged present!! =DDD I get a lame cup from Rebecca and cute stickers from Mr.sleepy ( suprised ),Yulan get a key chain, " SO LAME" word on it. ==' was from AhGu. LOL.. Amilia get shower gel. Ahgu and Rebecca get keychain.
We taken alot pictures with Yulan's camera. Haha.. very fun and touch night... I dont know Mr.sleepy will gave me present. I'm so suprised,i never give him any present. LOL.. =p I touched......

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Beach again~~~ Planning.

I woke up on 9.30am. Then together with Mr.sleepy meet Yulan and ABC up at AMK for our breaksfast. I with Mr.sleepy and Yulan ate mee dumplin and strawberry douhua. Very full.. =s
After that we straight went to Sentosa le. AhGu and Karen also reached there when we reached. So only got 5person today,no include me because i still not expert to play in court. Haha.. so they take turn,play with two two.
Today very very hot,sun also very very big!! I put alot if sun block on my face and body. Wahaha... =pPp I dont want sun burnt larrr....... =x
Then i'm sleeping on mat. Woww.... Good to sleep lor. Got raining awhile,wow! More good to sleep !! I sleep untill very sweet lor... =p But still hot.
Yulan's friends came join us. Wahh.. Except her one female's friend. All the guys very girlish! OMG! We play in court,i teached the guy how to on ball. But he always failed and got that sound with jump jump jump.. ==' "hurr hurrr.... I cannot lar~~ Dont give me larr~~~ " OMG. i cant take it, i still same group with him. ==' Really think of wanna slap him. =x LOl..
We went off aound 6pm. We plan of going hourbourfront's hawker there to take our dinner. But Yulan and Mr.Sleepy wanna buy dudu kueh at Vivo city. So thay take train. I with ahgu take ABC's car to went there.
They bought alot of Dudu kueh,after that cannot finish. ==' Then now,now!! I help then eat for my supper,==''
We all planning of Chritsmas day. We plan to going watch midnight movie at Cathay. After that want going beach stay over night...
Hmmm....... So i reached home around 11.30pm just now. Tired.... sleepy....... =x

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Our Beach gang~~ Court~~
I talk cock with them~~ He is cute WeiWei~~
Dnner Time~~ Kaozz~~ What was they doing???
Yeah~~ Today really enjoy!! =DDD Today is Saturday. So i got i think 30plus beach friends going beach! Wow... That was fun lor! I reached beach around 1.30pm,this was earlier than before le. Hahaha... =p
When i reavhed,i saw Mr.Sleepy was playing ball with girls,all girls. ==' Then i went to said Hi with him,Then he intro his friends to me,the girls,especialy Alicia just looking at my face. lol.. I dont know she stunned there for what. LOL..
When reached there,we play at siloso beach. But suddenly they need close the siloso beach. So we all moved to Palahwan beach.
They all playing ball,i seat at mat and talk cock with friends. I expert talk rubbish things. wahaha.. make them all "sweat.." =pPp I now got improved my volleyball le. My friends said i improve very fast. Yeah.. happy happy.. i can just very easy to transfer my ball to my partner le... =DDD
We went off around 6 or 7pm. After showering i asked my friends if want join our group to going for dinner. Got 16 person join us,then i ask them wanna eat japanese food or KFC. Wahahaha... same.. ==' But now all wanna eat japanese food,AhGu and Rebecca want eat Pasta Mania,so we guys 12 person went to Ramen Thien.
After finished our dinner,they all went home le,then we Mr.Sleepy, Yulan, ABC, Mattew and me went to playing pool at vivo city.
Finished our pool we went out vivo city and taken alot alot of pictures with Mattew's camera. I will upload those photos when he send me. All funny and VERy funny photos!! Hahaha...
I am 1st time saw mattew laugh very happy tonight. I know him very long time already,his pattern is very serious person,what you had said funny things,he only will gave that stone face and smile with us like very force himself. LOL.. But now he smile and laugh from his heart.
Especialy when he help me take photo,then i take a look that photo with him,he said,"Hey.. so cute~~" I said,"Ermm.. I feel that my face like "man tou"(in english is bun) very round. " Wahaha.. He really laugh untill siao!! LOL.. Omg. We really laugh all the way. Untill now my throat sore le. ==' Haha...
We went off around 12am with ABC's car. Before i drop at my house,i turn back disturb Mattew,"Hey~~~ Man tou~~ " He laugh like siao again!! Wahaha.. He shout,"Ehhhh... Stop it!!" Ahahaha... funny sia. =pPp
I reached home around 1.45am le.. Then i washed and hang my clothes. So i sleep at around 3.30am. Tomorrow gotta meet them at 11am at AMK . aww.......